Tuesday, January 11, 2011

From the "What Is Wrong With People" File

Warning, this blog is going to tick off both left wing nutjobs and right wing crazies.

Over the last several days, I've had a couple of moments where I've just said to myself, "What is wrong with people?" We're are a totally screwed up society, and there are 2 cases over the past couple of days that confirms this for me.

First, last Friday, Rush Limbaugh reported that 41% of all pregnancies in New York City end in abortion. The numbers are even higher among minorities, almost 60% for non-hispanic blacks. Frankly, this disgusted me. I knew the numbers were too high...heck 1 abortion is too many, but 41%?!!! This just shows me how morally bankrupt our society is and how far we've gone in abandoning personal responsibility.

We're morally bankrupt because in our "greatest" city, we're killing 41% of our babies. Even if you're not a Christian or even if you consider yourself pro-choice, that should disgust you. Further evidence of the morally bankrupt society...the take away from the story is that birth control programs in schools aren't working.

And, we've abandoned personal responsilibity because I was always taught by my parents that, if you do the deed you have to be ready for the consequences. Apparently, parents haven't been teaching that lesson to their children.

Then today I read that the Westboro Baptist Church is going to attempt to protest at the funeral of the 9 year old girl who was shot in Tuscon this weekend. These are the same idiots that protest military funerals. Fortunately, the Arizona lawmakers are fast tracking a bill to keep these idiots 300 feet away from the funeral. What kind of nutjobs believe things like they put in this statement..."God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America," and "Thank God for the Shooter"?

Now, I'll fully admit I don't read my Bible as often as I should, but I am Catholic so we have like 7 extra books in there, and I don't ever remember reading anything saying that I should show up at tragic events in people's lives and tell them that this happened because God is mad at them. In fact, what I remember reading is that God is Love, and you should love your neighbor. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Westboro Baptist Church, or any church for that matter, decided to reach out to these families with a message of God's love? Wouldn't that draw more people to God?

But instead of reaching out with love, these morons are reaching out with a message of hate. And all it will accomplish is making these families hate this church, and I'm sure some people will come away with a strong dislike of Christianity because of what this church is doing. I'm generally for free speech, but you have to be responsible with your speech. This is neither responsible nor consistent with the message of the Kingdom of God that Jesus Christ brought to this world.

These things just make me wonder, what the heck is wrong with people?


Nuke said...

Well said.

Brian said...

Some days, I would love to put some on the extreme right and the extreme left in a deep pit with lots of dangerous animals, traps, etc. It would be interesting to see if those trapped can work together long enough to successfully escape.

mediocre coffee said...

Call Bill Engvall. I believe he has a sign for the people you mentioned in this blog.