Friday, November 26, 2010

Frowning Frosty!

I'm just in a random mood today, and apparently semi-sappy based on the content of this blog. Last Friday, my wife and kids met me for lunch. We met at Wendy's because the kids like that, and it's one of the few fast food places that my wife and I can both eat. We can't eat McDonald's and Burger King like we used to.

Anyway, we were having a good old time. Both of my boys got Frosties with their meals. On the french fry containers, and on the drink cups, it said "It's impossible to frown while eating a frosty." So, I issued the challenge to my kids to try to frown while eating their frosties.

What followed was shear hilariousness as they would attempt to frown, laugh at each other, and then try again. After about 5 minutes, my older son, David, managed to sustain a frown while eating his frosty. At that, Nicholas decided he had to go tell the manager about their false advertising. Fortunately, Wendy's was really busy, so he didn't get to talk to the manager, and was actually really good about just letting it go.

That's a great memory, and I'll keep it with me for a long time. I'm really glad I decided to go to lunch with my family...something I rarely do during the work week, because I'm always "too busy." I guess the lesson for me here is to try my best to never be too busy for family time...I might miss something good along the way.

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