Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I See Right Through Their Tricks

Today it took me 25 minutes to get home from work. I live 4.6 miles from work, so it shouldn't take me 25 minutes. Generally, I can do it in 10-15 minutes, even with traffic. Why did it take me 25 minutes? Road Construction!

There are 3 road construction projects on the main road between my house and work. My understanding is that all 3 projects are, at least partially, funded by the economic stimulus package. That's right, Obama's stimulus package...you see where this is going don't you?

So, I write this blog where I am critical of President Obama. Within 2 years of my starting this blog, 3 Obama-stimulus funded road construction projects show up between my house and work. Coincidence?...

I think not...this is obviously a deliberate attempt by the Obama administration to silence my stinging criticism. Well, it won't work...all that construction does is gives me more time to think up blog ideas. How do you like them apples?

Blogger's Note: If you don't get the sarcastic, cynical, slightly paranoid conspiratorial humor in this blog...than I feel sorry for you.


Nuke said...

Another well-crafted post.

By the way, have you seen the Ben Quayle commercials yet? Wonder what kind of road construction will pop up in his area soon. He'll likely get a phamplet soon from the Arizona Right of Way department.


Jake said...

I hadn't heard of or see Ben Quayle yet. Thanks for the video.