Friday, August 27, 2010

Enough Already!

I was watching the news tonight, and an ad ran urging voters to call their congressman and let him or her know what they think of the proposed mosque at ground zero in New York City. I wish this issue would just go away. It's nothing more than a distraction from the real mess we are in. So, in the interest of making it go away, here's my quick take on the issue.

1) The Imam and his followers have every right to build the mosque there. It is private property, so as long as New York City zoning laws allow it, they can build there.

2) The people who are opposed to this have every right to question the wisdom of building a mosque at that location. I have found myself asking, "why that site?" With the public so opposed to this, it seems a little like this Imam and his group are flipping the proverbial bird at the public.

3) The Republicans who are clamoring for the Federal Government to step in and do something are hypocrites. You are either for limited government or you aren't. You can't pick and government comes with trade-offs, and this would be one of them.

4) The Democrats who are screaming "religious freedom" are hypocrites. When is the last time any democratic politician came to the aid of a Christian or Jewish group? Most of the time they want to shut Christians up. Democrats don't care one lick about religious freedom, unless it helps them look more "worldly" and accomplishes some dreamed up goal of making radical Muslims like us.

That's it, that's the issue. Now, let New York City figure it out so the rest of us can get back to the important issues, like out of control government spending and grand abuses of power by our Federal government.

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