Thursday, February 4, 2010

Finally Harry Does Something Right

Harry Reid is my favorite, laughable Democrat. While Obama and Pelosi might seem like my favorites, you just don't find more comical gaffes from a sane Democrat than you do from Senator Reid. This is the man who demanded Rush Limbaugh apologize for something, I don't even remember what. Then he sent a letter to Rush's syndication partner demanding Rush apologize. After Rush got a hold of the letter and auctioned it off for over $2 million to charity (which he matched, for a total of $4 million), Harry Reid actually tried to take some credit for the massive charitable donation.

Another of Harry's great moments was when he said that the Iraq war was lost and the surge wasn't working, about 15 minutes after the surge started. As history will show, he was proven wrong, which isn't a surprise, because he's wrong about pretty much everything. Senator Reid is probably the worst Senate Majority leader in recent memory. With a 60 vote majority in the Senate, he still couldn't pass Obama's "Destroy America's Health Care Act."

But, today, Senator Reid did something right. Despite rumored pressure not to, Senator Reid seated Scott Brown, giving the Republicans 41 votes in the Senate and breaking the Democrats super majority. This likely means the end of Obama's "Destroy America's Health Care Act," and the end of Craig Becker's nomination to the National Labor Relations Board.

I have to admit that I'm impressed. I didn't know Harry Reid had this in him. Maybe if he would have been his own man all along, his job wouldn't be in such jeopardy this year (he is not polling well in Nevada, and he's up for re-election this year). But, better late than never...nice job Senator Reid.

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