Friday, May 1, 2009

Must See Movies of the Summer!

With today being the first day of May, it's time to take a look at the movies I'm excited about for the summer:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Opening May 1st
This is probably the movie I'm most excited about. I'll definitely see this one in the theater, probably sometime next week. Hopefully this movie will be as well done as the previous 3 X-Men movies.

Star Trek - Opening May 8th
Yet another one I will see in the theater. This is a complete reboot of the Star Trek Franchise, with new actors portraying Kirk, Spok, McCoy and all our favorites. I'm hesitant, because I believe I will miss Shatner's overacting, but hopeful that this will still be a good film.

Terminator Salvation - Opening May 21st
So many movies in May. I think I'll wait for this one on video. While I enjoy the Terminator movies, I'm just not super excited for this one.

Night at the Museum: Battle for the Smithsonian - Opening May 22nd
The kids are very excited for this one. Ben Stiller is back again in the 2nd installment, and from the previews, it appears that the adventure will be ramped up a bit this time. I may have to take the boys to this in the theater...though I really wouldn't mind.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Opening June 24th
I really liked the first Transformers movie. Hopefully I can make it to this one in the theater. I missed the first movie in the theater, and I think I really missed out because of that.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - Opening July 15th
This is the 6th installment of the Harry Potter movies. I haven't seen any in the theaters, so its not the end of the world if I don't get to this one. But, I will try. The first 5 movies have been really well done.

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - Opening August 7th
I had a bunch of G.I. Joe toys as a kid. It appears they are making a comeback. This will probably be a DVD movie.

In my mind, that's all of the blockbusters. There are several other movies being released this summer that I'll eventually see on DVD, but these are by far the most promising based on previews.


Nuke said...

I too... will miss... Shatner's... overacting!

I don't think I would group Night at the Museum 2 in a "blockbuster" category. I would replace it w/ Angels & Demons (May 15), sequel to the Da Vinci Code. Yes, it's revisionism at its best (well, worst), but it will certainly be a blockbuster.

Oh, and as I suspected, Wolverine was ripped to shreds on Sorry for the pun, lol. ;) I'll wait for the DVD.

Jake said...

I have no desire to see "Angels & Demons". I stick by my "Night at the Museum" blockbuster. It's a blockbuster to my kids anyway.

I'm still planning to see X-Men next week...if it's on par with X-Men: The Last Stand, then I'll be ok. If it's not, then bummer.