Monday, March 23, 2009

Movie Review: High School Musical 3

I seriously considered whether or not I was going to review "High School Musical 3" on my blog. After all, I've said enough things on here to cost me "guy" points, that I didn't want to say anymore. But, I decided to go ahead with it anyway, even though I may face ridicule and scorn.

"High School Musical 3" is true to the form of the first 2 "High School Musical" films. No, it doesn't have the charm or the originality of the first one, but it's a good sequel, and a good ending to the series. At least it appears to be the end. You never know if Disney will ride this horse further. From a history perspective, I rated the original "High School Musical" 5 stars, while #2 got 4 stars. "High School Musical 3" also gets 4 stars.

Take those ratings with a grain of salt though. I've always been a big fan of musicals. And, I have to admit, I am a fan of Cheesy Feel Good Disney Movies, or CFGDM for short. I'm not really sure when my enjoyment of CFGDMs started...the first I recall is watching "The Rookie" in the late 1990's. I loved that movie. I continued watching CFGDMs, such as "Glory Road" and "Remember the Titans" when I could, and never thought I had a problem. That is, until I watched "Ice Princess" and "High School Musical" and really enjoyed both of them.

Here I was, a grown man, watching and enjoying CFGDMs obviously not targeted for my was embarrassing. I tried to cover this up, by watching as many films with explosions as I could, but I always found myself checking to see what was on the Disney Channel, just in case a favorite CFGDM was on. Oh, the shame!

Then, a few weeks ago, I got to thinking...who cares if I like CFGDMs? "Ice Princess" is on Disney Channel, and darn it, I'm going to watch it, and I don't care what people think! There are worse things I could be doing. I think it was really that pivotal moment that made it ok for me to review movies like "High School Musical 3" and admit my enjoyment of CFGDMs.

Author's note: I Googled CFGDM and there were no hits. I also checked, and there was no CFGDM acronym. Therefore, I have officially created a new acronym. Cheesy Feel Good Disney Movie (CFGDM). As an engineer, I'm so proud.


Nuke said...

I didn't discourage you from posting today just so I could have the opportunity to say this. I don't know if you lose more guy points for liking this movie so much, and posting accordingly, or for simply having seen all three of these let alone one. ;)

Oh, while you are making up acronyms, I heard another new one today in relation to bids. It's the answer to the question: "What's your justification for that bid?" PIDOOMA.

Anonymous said...

I too watch CFGDM sometimes, and enjoy them for the most part. However, there is one aspect of them that I don't like. it seems more and more CFGDM contain single parents and/or kids who always know better than their parents.
I haven't figured out yet if Disney is trying to reflect society, or if they are trying to influence kids to be snotty to their parents.